Sunday, June 24, 2007

Blog-Worthy Topics

I know it seems I only post on this blog every month or so....I have decided to try to come up with a few posts a month at least. Here are a few things that have passed my mind lately that I think might be fun to blog about...
First, EVAN ALMIGHTY. A new movie that we went to see yesterday. Now those of you who know me well know I LOVE a movie. We now see about 3-4 a year...much to my despair. There is nothing like going into a dark movie theatre and tuning out for a couple of hours. This movie was fantastic. Clean, no bad language, touching/great story and.....hysterical. I have not laughed that hard at a movie since Elf. I mean I cried I was laughing so hard. So those of you that love good dry physical comedy like I do...aka: Will Ferrell, Steve Carrell....this movie is for you. For those of you Indie film lovers, this one is not for you. You would say trite, outlandish and pat. But I LOVED IT! And really encourage everyone to see it. I love that Hollywood is producing these clean, family-friendly comedies and are getting great comedians to star. Lets encourage them to continue to do so by upping the ticket sales for these movies.
A few posts ago, I wrote about my favorite things. One thing I mentioned, the Caldrea counter top spray much to my surprise is being discontinued. My sweet Aunt Lynn emailed me to tell me it was on massive sale so if you want to try it, you can order it
My sister-in-law and brother got me a massage at a new beauty school here called Clary Sage. It really has the feeling of a big city spa...high ceilings, soothing music, lots of metal and mirrors. AND at half the price you can get great services by students. I got a 1 hour massage for $25. I laid there thinking how I could work it in the budget to get one a month. Sigh. So I just encourage you to check into your beauty/massage schools for low prices and a bit of pampering on a budget.
I also found out that if you have big dogs like us, that PetCo grooms for half price on Sunday-Tuesday. Not that we have spent the money yet but they do.
That is it for now...we are about to leave for church! Happy Sunday!


Sarah said...

I'm so glad Evan Almighty was good! We rented Bruce Almighty this weekend as a refresher so hopefully we can see Evan soon! I'm seriously considering the counter spray. I don't know why, but there's just something about fun cleaning products!

Carrie said...

I need a message for $25. I think I will be going SOON.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to thank you for mentioning Caldrea in your blog! I work for Caldrea & Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day and have a proposition for you.
Please forward me your email address if you are interested: